Punjtni Silsilah

Conquest in East

Conquest in East

Khurasn Sandwiched b/w Iran-Turkamanistan-Afganistan-Pakistan

Uthman appointed his youthful cousin Abdullah bin Ammar to suppress rebellion in Persia at the hand of  YazdrajIII the  last Sasanian King  of kings of  Iran from 632 to 651.pesian  , Abdullah marched against the rebellion in the central & southern Persian & quickly suppreressed the rebellion , he advanced toward Khursan at the eastern corner of Persia adjoining Afghanistan ,Turkamanstan ,Pakistan western belt , captured Nishapur the capital of Khurasan & subjected it to the tribute of million of dharams

War Against Byzantine

There were also trouble in Syria, Hazrat ummar appointed Mauwia as the governor of Damascus , & Uthman also renewed him in charge .Mauwia was an energetic governor & enterprising soldiers , in the second year of Uthman caliphate Byzantine invaded Syria from the north with a  large army .but they were drove out & the Muslim army persuaded them  to the  Asia minor that  includes the whole or part of the modern day countries of Italy, Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Egypt, Libya, Israel and Lebanon. The map shows the ancient Kingdoms of Asia Minor, many of which were Greek colonies or heavily influenced by Ancient Greek culture. .the Muslim overran Atsia minor & reach Arminia in the north near the Caucasus (Russia)

Area under the Byzantine(Christian ) Empire 655 A.D
Muslim Conquered Armina Near the Caucasus Russia
Alexandria Egypt Taken from Byzantine

Battle of Alexandria

The battle of Alexandria crushed the Byzantine  power in naval warfare in the Mediterian sea for nearly two decade , Arabs could now send reinforces through sea route to their armies in North African & in this way constant threat to Arab possessions in Syria & Egypt was diminished to a considerable extent

They captured the Tiflis & reached the black sea , then the army turned toward  the Caspian & joined Muslim forces in Tabaristan, one year after Mauwia lead himself an expedition & reached almost near the Constantinople (presently Istanbul)