Punjtni Silsilah

Causes of Uthman UnPopularity

Causes of Uthman UnPopularity

Causes of Uthman Unpopularity

But these great conquests could not diminish the Othman  unpopularity regarding his favoritisms & Nepotism  policy towards his own kith & kins as in almost all key positions regarding armed forces & adminstration he was charged for favoring undluly his own kith & kins , setting aside the principles of merit & fair justice in his decision as role modeled by his predessors holy prophet & Umar & Abu bakar for instance he posted Marvan his first cousine as the Police chief of Madina who in wake of great animosity to Islam never accept general amnesty granted by Holy prophet(PBUH) and fled to Taif who later played a vicious role in his murder conspiracy( the fake letter issue with caliph seal) at the hand of rebels , even in the matter of naval composition & leadership the Arab commanders charged him for favoring Abdullah bin Saad his governor & admiral a person whom the Prophet (PBUH) himself prescribed to death. Though Muslim arms continued to win victories in the east & the west but their attention were more towards , KUFA, BASRA , FASTATE, & MADINA , where malcontents  & rebels were first secretly & then openly  rising against the Caliph in this way the early Islam stood for the first Civil War finally

Failure to meet Arab Tribal ethos for rulers

With repect to the typical approach  of Arabs Tribal Society toward his administrator  which demand first the happiness & welfare of his subject along with the principles of fair play in every walk of life as long as ruler did it they obey him as he distract from this fundamental principle they disobey & disown as his great predessors holy prophet ,Abu bakar ,Umar displayed noble value of merit& fair justice over their subjects , the whole society remained united under its This was the unwritten constitution of early ISLAM, to the nomadic people a state was the person to person relationship between the chief & his fellow tribes man whose authority is obeyed only if the chief exercise it for the equal wellbeing & good of all his followers , remember in his inaugural speech Abu bakar said

Oh people You have choosen me as your Chief , although I am not the best among you, I need all your advice all your help, if I do well support me , if I do wrong then set me right , to tell the ruler what you think of him is Faithfulness, to conceal the truth is treachery, I shall defend the weaker against the stronger, for the weaker amongst you is the strongest to me  until I have redressed his wrongs , & the stronger shall be as the weeker until I have taken from him that which he has wrested , Fight in the way of Lord : whoever leave off to fight in the path of Allah then abases him ,AS LONG I obey God and his Prophet , Obey Me, where in I disobey : Obey Me not  “

This sermon set  the Golden Principle for All Muslim rulers for all times   if It was followed by them  truly the Muslim Epoch  never witness its end ever .

Arab tribes believed that the Khalifa at Madina must provide for the personal  happiness & welfare of his subjects in the farthest corners of his vast Empire, their believe was strengthen by the fact that Hazrat Umar did so! . When Hazrat Uthman did not come upto the standards of Impartiality solicitude & equality of his predecessors, he was  accused of  falling short of his official resposabilities ,gradually these accusation turned into charges & finally turned into sedition & revolt in these out of four important providence (KUFA, BASRA , FASTATE, & MADINA) a chain of events followed which ended in the Martyrdom of Caliph. The whole crisis was basically constitutional , but it was conditioned that all constitutional crisis are by economic ,political , social , religious movement & forces