Punjtni Silsilah

Ancestors' & Matrimonial Life of Prophet(Sm)

The Ancestors of the Holy Prophet -HASHIM

Like other Qurayshee Hashim was a rich marchant , according to tradition the four sons of ABDUL MUNAF traded in four directions of Arabia, the eldest son Abdus Shams cultivated trade tralations with Abyssinia , the second son Hashim with Syria the third son Abdul Mutalab with Yaman & fourth Naufal with Iraq. But among them the Hashim became the richest . he is said to have sent to caravan from Macca one in winter toYaman & other in summer to Syria. He had married a Yathrubbie lady to whom born a son Shaybba who later come to be called ABDUL MUTLAB. Hashim did at Ghazza Syria when he was on a trade mission, after his death in 510 AD his younger borther Adul Mutalab offered the funcitons of Riffadah & siqaya


When Mutalab died in 520A.D his nephew Abdul Mutlab succeded to his function of Rifaday & siqaya & he also became the head of Banu Hashim, he was the custodian of Ka’ba & the distributor of food & water to pilgramis who come to the House of Allah. He also rediscoverd the well of Zamzama which was buried under sand for some time past. Abdul Mutlab had six daughters & twelve sons , one of his son was Abdullah who was very dear to him, when 25 year old Abdullah was married to Amina , soon after his marriage he left on commercial mission for Syria, on his return he stayed at Yathrub where he died.

Birth of Holy Prophet

Four months after the death of Abdullah in  AD 570a son was born to him whom the loving grand father gave the name of Muhammad (sm) , the birth of holy prophet took place on the 20th April 570 in the year of Elephets. Two months before his brith  the city of Mecca was invaded by Abyssinia ruler Abrah the Abyssinian ruler of Yaman who wanted to destroy ka’ba. His army included an animal which the Arab had never seen before & whose huge size frightened them a lot, Abdul Mutlab the leader of Quraysh & the custodian of Ka’ba tried to negotiate with the  invaders but failed in his misson. He prayed to the God of ka’ba to save the city fromcalamity, the army of Abraha was decimated by martin(ababeel). The Abysssinian had therefore to retreat with all haste & the Quraysh heaved a sign of relief. Because of elephant the year of Abrahha invasion was known as the year of Elephant among the Arabs


Child hood of the Holy prophet
Passage Sumamry

As per the tradition the childrens of richest section of Quryash were sent to Najd desert of stronger rearing so that Muhammad(sm) entrusted to Bedonioun nurse of Najd Halima for five years when he was six year old his custody was given to his mother Amna who could not survive more & died upon returning from Yathrub to Mecca , further his loving grand father Abudl Mutlib took him in his loving protection but he also died soon , rest his uncle Abu Talib look after him till he become fully youthful & financially independent

Owing to the unhealthy climate of the Mecca it was the custom of the richest section of Qurayash to en-trust their newly born children to the nurses of Bedouin tribes of Najd. Soon after his birth the child Muhammad was also given over to the famous Halima of the tribe of BANU SAAD. He lived with the Banu Saad for the four five year. The open air of the desert had a very salutary effect on his health. He also acquired the pure Arabic of Bedouin of Najd of which he was always proud afterwards, at the age of five the Halima brought him back to his mother , a year after when his mother had taken him to the Yathrub she died on her return journey to Mecca, thus Muhammad lost both his father and mother when he was hardly six.

His grand father Abdul Mutlab took him into loving protection but the grand old man  of the Quraysh who was then 90 year of age died tow year after. Before his death he entrusted his grand son to the care & custody of his son Abu Talib. However during his child hood our holy prophet had seen the death of loving ones & felt the pang of separation which must had effected deeply his meditative mind.Owing to the unhealthy climate of the Mecca it was the custom of the richest section of Qurayash to en-trust their newly born children to the nurses of Bedouin tribes of Najd. Soon after his birth the child Muhammad was also given over to the famous Halima of the tribe of BANU SAAD. He lived with the Banu Saad for the four five year. The open air of the desert had a very salutary effect on his health. He also acquired the pure Arabic of Bedouin of Najd of which he was always proud afterwards, at the age of five the Halima brought him back to his mother , a year after when his mother had taken him to the Yathrub she died on her return journey to Mecca, thus Muhammad lost both his father and mother when he was hardly six.

His grand father Abdul Mutlab took him into loving protection but the grand old man  of the Quraysh who was then 90 year of age died tow year after. Before his death he entrusted his grand son to the care & custody of his son Abu Talib. However during his child hood our holy prophet had seen the death of loving ones & felt the pang of separation which must had effected deeply his meditative mind.

Boyhood & Youth of Holy Prophet(sm)

On his death of Abdul Mutib  distributed his offices between his two son Abu Talib was placed in charge of Rifadah and Al-Abbase that of Siqya.

Prophet’s  Occupation


The holy prophet as a most travelled merchant/sales man personally observed many places, religions & misery of humanity in & around Arabia.

During his youth the holy prophet journeyed several time to Syria, Palestine & according to sumet tradition even to Iraq., minor Asia & Abyssinia as  a merchant , a travelling sales man & a commercial agent, he also visited different part of Arabia and attended famous fair such as UKAZ , it has been rightly said that when he reach the age of 25 , he was the most traveled young man in the Mecca,  a city which boasted then of many national & international traders & merchants who have travelled all over Arabia & the neighboring countries , he personally observed the poverty, misery & other evil which humanity suffered , he listen to the preaching & discourses of the learned & the diving among the Christians , jews & other during the journeys and visits . all of them had permanent impression on his mind & thought. These commercial journeys were under taken as a source of aid to his uncle Abu Talib whose fortune was not sufficient to maintain a large family as he had .in between his commercial undertaking the holy prophet also worked as a shepherd which afforded him an opportunity of quiet thought & meditation far from the maddening crowed of Mecca.


Marriage with Khutaja
Passage Summary

The wealthy lady of Quraysh Khatija appointed him as her trade goods sales agent & later proposed him marriage on account of his noble behavior . that event not only given him an ideal life partner but strengthen his financial position too to afford his meditation & prayers desire.

During his commercial mission the holy prophet acted with singular honesty, integrity & efficiency for which he came to be known as AL-AMIN , the faithful among his fellow citizen. Now the women of Quraysh were as much interested in trade & in trading caravan as their menfolk. Of them was a Quraysh lady of great position & wealth named khtaja bint Khawalid of the Beni Naufal clan. She used to send her merchandise by mean of agents to Syria markets. At that time she was in need of a trust worthy  person to perform such commercial duties. Muhammad(sm) was recommended to her as such a person. She sent him with a goods to Syria. He performed his duties so honestly that Khutaja was able to earn a lot of profit from her investment, the honesty , good behavior and the polite manner of Muhammad(sm)  so pleased his employer that she fell in love with him & proposed marriage which he accepted . although Khutaja uncle disapprove this alliance as he wanted to marry his niece to the rich Quraysh chief. He also agreed to it in the end. At the time of his marriage the Muhammad age was 25 while Khadija was 40 years but this union proved to be very happy & affectionate , Khadaja proved herself to be a loving wife a devoted helpmate & the most loyal supporter of the prophet in all his ordeals & struggles . as a matter of fact Islam owes its success to her than any other person during his days of trial & persecution , that is why the holy prophet always cherished the most loving memories of his gentle lady who died when the prophet was the most persecuted person in the Mecca.

Significance of this Marriage

The immediate advantage of his marriage with Khadija was the great improvement in the financial position of holy prophet . he had now enough wealth and income to devote himself to a life of prayer , meditation & retirement which he loved so much. He went away from the hustle & bustle of the commercial city  into the hills around the Mecca, there in the cave on the Mount Hira , he often remained whole night plunge in profoundest thoughts, in prayers & fasting for several days & even weeks. Thus he lived there for 15 years till the call of prophet hood.

One significant event during these fifteen years was the arbitration of a dispute among the Qureaysh tribe of Black Stone re deposition on its place after the repair of ka’ba in 605 AD