Punjtni Silsilah

Estimate of Hazrat Uthman

Estimate of Hazrat Uthman

Estimate of Hazrat Uthman

Huzrat Uthman beard the  noble qualities like charity , generosity, piety  & he was the most pious among all orthodox caliph He ruled for twelve years, the longest of all Rashidun caliphs, and during his reign, the Rashidun Caliphate reached its greatest extent.  Uthman married Muhammad’s daughter Ruqayya and following her death, to another of Muhammad’s daughter Umm Kulthum. His wives having been daughters of Muhammad earned him the honorific title Dhū al-Nurayn ( He is known for having ordered the compilation of the first standard version of the Quran.

Uthman continued his predecessor’s policies of centralization and expansion, but notably initiated a relatively new tax policy, and also assigned his Umayyad kinsman to prominent roles. Under Uthman, the caliphate concluded its conquest of Persia, and also continued successful expansions into Byzantine territories. He was the first caliph to institute an integrated Muslim navy. 

His failure as a STATEMAN


He was living in the age of transition from equlitarian tribalism was coming to close emerging as a era of big feudalism & strong centralism was opening , such challenges requires political leadership of very high caliber which could visualize the big significance of a change & guide it intelligently , actually  hazrat Uthman lacked these qualities of statementship , his personal vitrtutes & qualities of  gentleness  & reluctance to

Favoritism & nepotism factor

Another tragic failing of caliph was his favourtism or Nepotism For, his Ummayad’s kinsmen , when blamed for it ,he endeavored to justify it by declaring that holy prophet(pbuh) also favored his own Hashmid kinsmen . but it is absolutely wrong , the holy , prophet never allowed his love & solicitude for his relative & kinsmen to come in between him & his interest of the Islamic state & society , he never allowed his kinsmen to monopolize government offices , his love for his kinsmen was a  private virtue which never come between him & his public duties , favourtism & nepotism means intrursion of private virtues into public

public  affarir or public expense, it was exacltly this that Hazrat Uthman allowed to happen

Owing to his mild , generous , gentle and mild nature , he was at first  very popular  among the people who wanted a relief from the stern rule of Umar , but as the time passed and as he allowed his Ummayed relative & kinsmen to acquire nearly all key positions in the government of provinces , he created doubts & in the heart of people and discontents among the Arab tribes .ur


Disconnect To Shura of leading Companions weaken his support

He ceased to consult the Shura of leading campanions & citien of  Madina & relied more and more on the advice of his kinsmen, thus he narrowed the support of a large number of people in Madina which he needed  so urgently against the rising tide of discontent  among the Arab tribes the Muqatala due to the emergence of new Arab aristocracy, had he relied upon all the loyal elements among campaniions the citizen of Madina and the chief of the tribes regardless of their tribal & clan affiliation , he couldo have organized strong & centralized government at Madina  which would have held the nomadic indiscipline of the Muqatila in check with a far sighted leadership , broad based centralism & an impartial administration smaking neither of favoritism nor of irresolution ,. Hazrat Uthman would have overcome the political crisis he was confronted with