Punjtni Silsilah

The Call To Prophet Hood:


Prophet received first revelation at the age of forty at cave Hira in which Allah commissioned him his  messenger through first revelation of” IQRA bisme Rabi kal a Zee Khaliak.——-



We now stand at the threshold of the most critical period in the life of the Holy prophet , his life at Mecca as a Prophet ,it was a period of about 13 years. The most important event of the period were

610 : First revelation & the first Muslim.

613: Beginning of the public preaching the Early Converts.

614: Entry into the house of AL-Arqam ,  opposition & persecution of the  early Muslim.

615: Emigration to Abyssinia.(Hijrate E-Habsha)

616: Commencement of the boycott of the Banu Hashim Shibe Abe Talib.

619: End of the Boycott : death of Khadija & of Abu Talib. Journey to Taif

620: First Medinan Convert.

621: First Oath of AQABA.

622: The second Oath of AQABA, the migration from Mecca to Madina.


As we have said that the first revelation on the Mount Hira agitated the prophet very much. But the encouragement of his understanding wife Khadija & the assurance of her cousin Waraqa comforted him very much. Soon after he received the message that he was  to spread Islam among the idolaters of Mecca as the Messenger of Allah. At first he conveyed his massage privately to the close circle of his relatives& friends. It is universally accepted that Khadija was the first to believe her husband and his massage.




 The Time Frame of Makkie Life in AD ?

Answer IT started from 610 A.D when Prophet(sm) commissioned prophet Hood To 622 A.D when Prophet (sm) Migrated To 


Controversy about First among Men to accept Islam


Hazrat Abu Bakar was the fitst among men to accept Islam at the hand of Prophet(PBUH).


 But as regard to the first man to accept Islam there is a ancient controversy between the claims of three men.

  1. ABU Bakar
  2. Ali
  3. & Zaid bin Haritha

The first tow had their supports we can however put aside Ali claim because he was at the time of call a mere boy of nine who could not much understand the significance of his acceptance to Islam. Zaid the freed slave and the close & confidential friend of the holy prophet whom he treated as his adopted son, might well be the first man to accept Islam. But his humble position as a freed slave did not signify much importance to his conversion to Islam. Abu Bakar position was quite different , he was a man of mature age and of the great position among the dignitaries of Mecca and was a rich merchant among its mercantile community .politically socially & historically his acceptance to Islam was the most important event in the early days of Islam we may therefore consider him to the first among men to accept the message.


Beginning of the Public preaching and Entry into the house of AL-Arqam (613-16)


Public preaching commenced among his own Quraysh Kinsmen first at Mount SAFA & then at family diner but ended in failure , later on he made the House of Al-Arqam as the center of his missionary activity situated at the Eastern gate of Ka’ba

Public  preaching began when Allah ordered him three year after his commission as prophet , the first invitation was his call to Quraysh people to assemble at Mount SAFA , he said that “if I said to you that an enemy army coming from the back of this Mount , would you accept it” , they replied you are recognized as Amin among us & why not , then prophet put them before call of God to forbade idolatry & worship one God ,  his uncle Abu –Lahab said very derogatory remarks upon that & people disassembled ,  disappointed by the failure of his call , the prophet invited his kinsmen to a dinner after the dinner , he asked them if I “No Arab has evered offered to his nation more precious advantage than those I bring you., I offer you happiness in this world &  in the life to come” Who among you will aid me in this Task

All remained silent only Ali who was only twelve year at that time stood up & said “Prophet of Allah I will aid thee!” the prophet took him under  his arms but the boyish enthusiasm only raised the dervish laughter & dispersed to there homes . thus meeting also ended in failure

Never undeterred by ill success , the prophet started preaching from the house of AL-Arqam one of the first Muslim. It was situated near the eastern gate of the ka’ba. Many persons & pilgrims passed by this house . the prophet could preach from this place easily & directly to the people. Hence for the next four years the house of Al-Arqam became the most important place to preach Islam in Mecca.

The Growth of the Qurayash Oppositation & persecution of the Early Muslims

Passage Summary

The Qureysh restoerted every measure whether taunts & abuses & the  physical persecution of Muslim to leave Islam ,they  offered every things to Prophet(sm) power, wealth, beautiful women in lieu of  denouncing his mission but prophet & his companion stood steadfast to all such oppressions .


During the first three years of prophet ministry there was no opposition to Islam by the idolaters of Mecca because his preaching were private & confined to the restricted circle of the prophet relative & friends. First sign of opposition appeared when the holy prophet started public preaching especially when he entered the house of al-Arqm which had become the center of his missionaries & proselytizing activities. There opposition at first expressed in the mild form of hostility mixed with curiosity , they most scoffed at the way the Muslim prayed and taunted at the revelation of the holy Quran ,there goes the son of Abdullah they would remarks slightingly  when the holy prophet happened the to  pass by them “ who brings news from the heaven” but when holy prophet began to denounce there idol worship & warned them of dire consequences of there unbelief & asserted the production of there ancestors who died in unbelief there opposition became more hostile and violent ,. There scoffing changes into abuses & insolence and there taunts into act of violence & contumely, while they behaved Muhammad & there fellow Qurayshee’s with rudeness & insolence they treated the powerful Muslim and converted slaves & confederates with open act of violence & cruelty

When persecution failed the Qurayash tried persuasion in order to dissuade the prophet from preaching Islam. They sent one of their leader Utba Bin Rabia with the offer of wealth & beautiful women or even the lordship over Mecca for the prophet to choose . if only he would give up the Islam.  But the prophet offered them the Quranic promise to Allah mercies & good tiding . Say verily Iam only a man like you. It is revealed unto me that your God is one God: where for direct yours way straight unto him : and pardon of him what is past. So impressed Utba by the beauty of Quranic verse that he returned to Qurayash & advice them not to molest Muhammad (sm) if he succeeded in his plan of uniting all tribes of Arabia he would pave the path to the lordship of Arabia but if he failed in his mission . it would cost them nothing but they angrily rejected his suggestions. They next turned to Abu Talib asking him to restrain his nephew from attacking their ancestral faith or they resort to more violent measures against him. Impressed by his angrily demeneur the loving uncle appealed to the prophet not to bring disaster on himself & his family of Banu Hashim . the holy prophet was touched deeply by the kind words of his uncle but replied resolutely ,

“Oh my uncle if they place the son on my right hand and the moon on my left hand to force me to renounce my work verily I would not desist until God made manifest his cause or I perished in the attempt.

Abu Talib was moved & exclaimed “ Go and say whatever you will” By God I will never give you upto your enemies .


Migration to Abyssinia( Hijrate Habsha)

Passage Summary

In order to save new Muslim from Quraysh persecution the holy prophet sent a first mission of 15 Muslims to the neighboring Kingdom of Abyssinaia (Habsha) whose king Negus was famous for his benevolence & good human values , the Quryash demanded from Negus return back of these fugitive as they had age long  trade relations with his kingdom , the Najashee gave a chance to Muslim to clear their position in his court , Jaffar bin Abu Talib recited Sora Marium verses before him & convinced the king why they left their ancestral religion against the noble solution of Islam to end man kind suffering , so impressed the Negus he refused to hand over Muslim to Quraysh & allow them to live in his kingdom as long as they desire

Although the holy prophet(sm) was protected by his loyal uncle from the active hostility of Qurayash ,the same was not true for all Muslims most of whom suffered cruelty at the hand of Qurayash , touched by their unbearable suffering the holy prophet advised them to migrate to neighboring Christian kingdom of Abyssinia whose kind hearted king called Negus or Najashee would give them shelter till the merciful God bring about a change in the hearts of their persecutors & path would open for them to return to Mecca.

On hearing the advice of holy prophet 15 fifteen Muslim eleven men & four women including the daughter of holy prophet Ruqayya and her husband uthman bin affan departed for Abyssina in 615 A.D and Qurayash could not tolerate that there helpless victims got escape from their clutches. They had old trade relations with Abyssinian king and dispatched a mission to the court with the request to extradite(expel) the refugee who had fled from the law of Mecca. In order to find out the truth the Negus summoned the little Muslim band to appear in his court & explain reason of their flight from Mecca. Jaafar son of Abu talib acting as a spokesman from the fugitive replied thus :

Oh king we were plunged in the depth of ignorance & barbarism & worshipped idols praised immorality ate dead bodies & spoke abomination , we disregarded every feeling of humanity & the duties of hospitalities & the neighborhood , our law was the law of strong & our government was the government of tyrants. At last the God raised among us a man whose birth, trustfulness ,honesty ,purity we know well and he called us to the unity of God & taught us not to associate anything with him(Shirk). He forbade us to worship idols and enjoined us to speak the truth, to be faithful to our trust ,to be merciful & to regard the right of neighbors . he forbade us to speak evil of women, or to take the property of orphans, he ordered us to fly from vices and to abstain from evil. We have believed in him & accepted his teaching to worship only one God and not to associate anything with him.

For these reasons our people risen against us . have persecuted us inorder to forgo the worship of God & return to the worship of idols of wood & stones & other abomination .they have tortured  & injured us until finding no safety among them , we have come to your country and hope you will protect us

So please was the Negus with this reply that he rejected the Quraysh demand to hand over the Muslim refugee to them and allowed them to dwell peacefully in the realm.

Encouraged by the successful migration and the save sojourn of the first party of migrants , a still larger party of 101 persons whom 83 were men & rest women & children also left Mecca for Abyssinia during the year 616 AD . this was the second migration to Abyssinia.